Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the Nevada Bar Foundation governing body. The primary role of the Board of Trustees is to oversee the NBF operations, including: granting of IOLTA funds and ensuring funds are used as designated; management and investment of IOLTA and non-IOLTA funding; establishing and maintaining community bank relationships; strategic planning and resource development; and establishing and carrying out policies and procedures consistent with the Foundation’s goals and objectives.

NBF Board of Trustee Vacancies: To submit an application for future consideration please Click here to complete your application online.

Foundation Officers
Paul Matteoni, President
Will Sykes, Treasurer
Kimberly Farmer, Secretary

Foundation Trustees
Mark Brandenburg
Mary Chapman
Patricia Halstead
Mike Hix
Kelley Jones
David Lopez Negrete
Kyle Morishita
Michael Morton
Will Sykes
Dave Zerhusen