The Nevada Bar Foundation established the Foundation Grant program in 2022 to support organizations that support educational, pipeline and pro bono initiatives. The Foundation awards up to $200,000 annually in grant awards, and may challenge organizations to obtain additional funding through matching grants.
Foundation Grant Awards by Year
Foundation Grant Recipients
Recipient | Program | 2024 | 2023 |
ACLU of Nevada | Engaged Communities Initiative | $10,000 grant; $5,000 match | N/A |
Andale Foundation | Andale Scholarship | $10,000 grant; $10,000 match | N/A |
Bill of Rights Institute | Civics Training for Nevada Teachers | $10,500 grant | N/A |
CASA Carson City | Safe Babies Court Program | N/A | $7,500 grant; $5,000 match |
CASA Lyon County | Volunteer recruitment | N/A | $5,000 grant; $5,000 match |
CASA Northeastern Nevada | Volunteer recruitment and training | N/A | $10,000 grant; $5,000 match |
Families for Effective Treatment of Autism | Educational Advocacy Program | $10,000 grant | N/A |
Nevada Outreach Training Organization | Domestic violence representation | N/A | $8,750 grant; $5,000 match |
Center for Access to QDROs | QDRO training for legal aid staff | $25,000 grant; $10,000 match | $10,000 grant; $15,000 match |
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada | Pipeline to Justice Fellowship | N/A | $21,000 match |
National Bar Association, LV Chapter | 2024 LVNBA Scholarship | $15,000 grant; $15,000 match | N/A |
Nevada Latino Bar Association | NV Bar Prep Scholarship | $7,500 grant; $7,500 match | N/A |
Nevada Rural Counties RSVP | Elder Law Program staffing | $30,000 grant | $30,000 grant |
Northern Nevada Legal Aid | Custody Basics Class | N/A | $7,500 grant; $7,500 match |
Northern Nevada Legal Aid | Now That You Are 18 | N/A | $5,000 grant; $5,000 match |
Northeast Nevada SAFE | Guardianship training | $30,000 grant | $15,000 grant |
Nevada Institute of Forensic Nursing | Assault training initiative | $10,000 grant; $10,000 match | $12,500 grant; $5,000 match |
Project REAL | Print publication | N/A | $25,000 grant; $25,000 match |
Our Nevada Judges | Video recording and editing | $10,000 grant, $15,000 match | $20,000 grant; $20,000 match |
Rocky Mountain Innocence Center | Nevada staff salary assistance | N/A | $22,500 grant; $50,000 match |
South Asian Bar Association | SABA-LV Scholarship Program | $20,000 grant; $20,000 match | N/A |
Southern Nevada Senior Law Program | Hispanic Senior Outreach Initiative | N/A | $16,250 grant; $16,250 match |
UNLV Foundation | Justice Michael Douglas PreLaw Fellowship | $15,000 match | $5,000 grant; $21,000 match |
UNLV Foundation | Bar Success Program | $20,000 match | N/A |