The Nevada Bar Foundation (NBF) was incorporated in 1997 as the 501(c)(3) charitable arm of the State Bar of Nevada. The NBF was organized to support charitable giving related to access to justice and legal education programs.
The NBF manages the Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA) program, including the making of annual grants to organizations that promote access to justice through direct legal services to the poor, to victims of domestic violence and to children protected by or in need of protection of the juvenile court. The Foundation makes annual grant awards in excess of $16 million.
In addition to management of the IOLTA program, the NBF conducts fundraising and supports a Foundation Grant Program focused on educational and pipeline initiatives.
Read our Articles of Incorporation and NBF Bylaws.
As of January 1, 2015, the Nevada Bar Foundation terminated its status with the IRS as a private foundation and now operates as a public charity. Click here for a copy of the IRS notification.
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